View Full Version : Clips4sale.com- Alena Shrunken Predicament- Gear 360 Degrees Video VR

10-07-2021, 10:09 PM
Clips4sale.com- Alena Shrunken Predicament- Gear 360 Degrees Video VR
https://img350.imagetwist.com/th/43542/b57ra0kwa2ok.jpg (https://imagetwist.com/b57ra0kwa2ok/Box.jpg)
https://img119.imagetwist.com/th/43542/r1yjmvx3d7kq.jpg (https://imagetwist.com/r1yjmvx3d7kq/1080p_8000000_19551707.mp4.jpg)

Custom** Concept:&nbsp You_re my neighbor and I text you for help but when you realize how tiny I am, your usual sweetness turns to power lust. Alena&nbspcomes into the room looking for me and walks towards me until she is standing directly over me - unaware of the tiny&nbspman between her feet.&nbsp &nbspShe wonders where I am and then gets a text from me that reads Help, Alena - look&nbspdown between your feet so she bends over and is amazed to find my miniscule frame.&nbsp She gets all the way down on the floor and inspects me verrry closely - marveling at my size.&nbsp She can_t believe I managed to shrink myself and wonders if anything can be done to fix it?&nbsp She then picks me up very carefully and raises me up close to her faceeyes, astonished at the helpless&nbspman in her palm.&nbsp &nbspShe_s concerned for her neighbor but the power of holding a tiny human&nbsplife in her hands starts turning her on.&nbsp She tries to remain focused on finding a solution but soon finds herself licking her lips and talking about how easily she could turn me into her tiny snack.&nbsp &nbspFirst she lowers me to her belly to show me where I could go&nbspand&nbspthen dangles me waay up above her gaping mouth and threatens to drop me down inside of her.
Soon she snaps out of it and reminds herself that I need help - so she&nbspplaces me down on the floor near a chair and sits down so the sole of her crossed legfoot hovers over me.&nbsp She pulls out her phone to research what&nbspcan be done to help a tiny&nbspshrunken human.&nbsp&nbspShe tells me she isn_t finding anything as she&nbspflexes her giant sole over me.&nbsp As she watches me cower under her painted toes, she admits that&nbspshe_s starting to feel the strong urge to crush me out like an ant.&nbsp She jokes that if she can_t find a treatment, maybe the best she can do for me&nbspis put me out of my tiny&nbspmisery.&nbsp &nbspThe longer this goes on, the stronger the urge becomes as her sweetness fades away.&nbsp&nbspI beg her to&nbsplook at me&nbspto remind herself I_m still her neighbor so she scoops me up and holds me up to her face.&nbsp &nbspShe laughs&nbspat my claim&nbspand reminds me that I_m in the palm of her hand.&nbsp I_m no more than a bug now so&nbspshe&nbspneeds&nbspto squish me under her&nbspsole.&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp
(May need to place the camera on its back facing up so there is no stitch line when towering overhead)&nbsp She places me back&nbspon the floor and&nbspstands tall directly over me - towering above me like a skyscrpgr.&nbsp &nbspShe slowly hovers&nbspeach of her&nbspbare soles over me and talks about&nbsphow I am just a helpless ant to her now.&nbsp She keeps her heel planted but raises the ball of her foot so her sole extends over me and she can peer down at me between her toes - telling me how nobody in the neighborhood will know I ended up squashed under her foot.&nbsp &nbspThen she dangles the ball of her foot over me one last time&nbspand tells me to get ready to become a John stain underneath it, savoring the final moments&nbspas I cower in fear. &nbsp Then&nbspshe&nbspslowly lowers the ball of her foot onto me&nbspand grinds me under her toes as I peer up at her between them, stopping a couple times to see if I am still moving until she finally squishes me out (goodbye John).
Click here to make your purchase count towards the spring contest, thank you xoxoxo
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File Name : 1080p_8000000_19551707.mp4
File Size : 163.99 MB
Resolution : 2160x1080
Duration : 00:11:55

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Tezfiles Video: https://tezfiles.com/file/7ada32fa00d6b (https://tezfiles.com/file/7ada32fa00d6b)