08-02-2023, 04:42 AM
flowwithsky 21042023 - Onlyfans SiteRip (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-01-04-2022-Add in strengthening with weights and it will strengthen you bones and joints, reducing the risk of injury, and build muscles Its also so much fun to (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-01-11-2022-Trick or treat How was your Halloween weekend (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-02-08-2022-A challenging variation of push ups, Pike push ups are a great addition to your upper body day The higher your hips the harder it is Try 4 sets of 8 12 (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-02-11-2021-Blending in some classical yoga poses into my Pilates flows is always super fun and challenging Balances are great challenges for engaging the full body an (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-01-2023-My first few paintings in months Its been very difficult not creating art for such a long time, and Im super grateful that my body is healing my wrist injur (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-05-2022-Karissa and I love to playing together Im planning on getting a set of aerial silks again Acrobatics has always been an art and sport Ill hold closely (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-06-2022-Morning handstand flow I cant even begin to tell you the amount of self doubt I had growing up believing Im not the flexible type, or strong, or athletic (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-06-2022-Super close to a full needle Stretching every day will show results Dont be intimidated to start taking little steps, planting the seeds, and one day youl (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-08-2021-A handstand is one of the best ways to engage your entire body in one pose Its also a great balance challenge Squeeze through the glutes, legs, abdom (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-09-2021-A great full body strengthening exercise is simply flowing and exploring in a headstand. Warm up your core first so that you know what to engage as you (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-12-2021-Maybe change your view.. flip life upsidedown to see life from another perspective.. Being open minded allows you to grow to a higher self and understand w (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-04-2022-Dont let anything stop you from accomplishing your goals. You can put in the work and get there Take little step everyday and see as your dreams become (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-07-2021-Ive been working on some inversions and handstands Sometimes the best way to start gaining more control is starting from a backbend or off anything suspended. (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-07-2021-Sometimes I enjoy coming up with my own stretches, no specific poses or instructions. Its so important to get creative with your fitness routine. Once you b (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-08-2022-Living Upsidedown, Addicted to playing For me handstands have been a love hate relationship. I love seeing the progress, but it was super frustrating when (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-09-2022-Headstands are the best for just beginning inversions Be sure its the crown of the head that touches the ground (not too far back or far forward) Engage your (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-10-2021-Give your spine some love with some cat cows close your eyes and move around in your body, not focusing on how you look but how you feel (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-11-2022-Sometimes I wish I were a contortionist Taking time off from handstands has given me more time to practice forearm stands I love all the fun shapes you can (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-12-2022-Im so tired of these cold rainy days Wheres the At least this turtle neck is getting its wear. Do you prefer rainy days (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-05-05-2022-Im back handstanding Recently, Ive had a low back injury so I had to take a break from certain activities that I love Remember to listen (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-05-07-2022-Pets are super supportive and loving This is Bruno I didnt think I needed one till I adopted one ) Do you have any furry friends (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-05-12-2021-Grab that yoga block and lets fire up those abs Complete 45 seconds of passing the block from your hands to your feet. Try to keep your lower back on (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-06-04-2022-Wednesday Morning pep talk Sometimes a goal can be overwhelming. You compare yourself now to where you want to be and feel like you are so far away. But by ta (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-06-04-2022-Lets get strong together Check out my new Pilates video every Friday on OFTV for a fun workout (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-07-07-2022-Stretching is a huge part of physical health It prevents injuries, can improve performance, and allows your joints to work in their full range of motion (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-07-09-2021-Barre inspired exercise I love adding variety into a flow because it always makes things more fun Try using a wall for balance, and micro pulse each (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-07-10-2021-I love finding new ways to challenge my core Take a weighted ball for an extra challenge (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-01-2022-Take those baby steps and dont get discouraged Know that in the long run you will reach your goals, and get rid of that on your timeline mentalit (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-03-2023-Splits with a king pigeon tail (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-08-2022-All about the handstands Its crazy to see how far you can get with a little practice everyday. This goes for anything you want to do (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-09-2022-Best thing to cheer myself up is to dance it off When I get frustrated I like to turn on my favorite song and let go of some of that negative (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-11-2022-Skandasana Lunges work many muscle groups including your core, hip adductors, hip abductors, glutes, quads, and hamstrings Stay low to enjoy a deep stretch in (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-03-2022-Grab that resistance band and lets get moving (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-04-2022-Forward folds are something I crave on the daily. Feel your hamstrings and low back stretch Try to connect your belly to your thighs.. modified version with the kn (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-11-2022-Try it Do you prefer leg day or arms (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-12-2021-Arm balances are so much fun to explore Try drawing your right leg to stack on top your right tricep. Your arms will be bent into a low push up, and strai (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-06-2022-Good morning all The pink was cute, and I may go back at some point for now we get some blonde action I hope you have a lovely Saturday (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-07-2021-I cannot emphasize the importance of stretching enough Stretching our backs can better prepare our muscles for a workout. It will improve your posture and pre (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-09-2021-A fun side body stretch Then try gate pose by placing your right hand on the outside of your right calf to counter stretch Maybe transition to a (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-09-2022-Im so happy with my summer trim Its the best for moving around and this heat Im thinking about going back to my natural color in the winter. Na (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-12-01-2022-A goal of mine this year is to add more calisthenics to my workouts. I am starting with the weighted pull up but will gradually go weightless with time (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-12-04-2022-Check in with yourself. How are you feeling today Did you wake up excited for what lies ahead There is so much potential and opportunity. Are you utilizi (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-13-10-2022-Draw some circles with your torso in a goddess squat to strengthen your abs. (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-04-2023-If we went out on a date this is what Id wear (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-06-2022-I cant tell you how long Ive wanted to get this One legged crow was always a challenge for me. Today Ive figured it out in my body (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-06-2022-See the world from a new perspective Pop a handstand in the middle of your day to elevate your feet above your head, to get a burst of energy, and to find bal (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-11-2021-Grab that weighted ball, and lets do some pass throughs This core workout will fire up your abs Complete 3 sets of 20 (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-15-05-2022-Flow with me Im posting weekly on OFTV Join me (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-15-08-2022-A new summer look (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-15-11-2022-What day is it Its leg day Get your deep squats on with a resistance band to make it even more challenging. You can always get (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-16-07-2022-Have a wonderful weekend (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-16-08-2021-Daily Dose of Squats I love to challenge myself with a resistance band above the knees or outside the arms if I want to engage my full body. By keeping that r (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-16-10-2022-Some acrobatics Aerial silks have been one of my favorite activities that have built my shoulder and grip strength without even realizing because it feels so much (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-18-07-2022-Wall walks are a killer exercise to add to your push routine Try going for 3 5 for beginners and 8 12 for advanced. Do 4 sets (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-18-08-2021-I love adding resistance bands to workouts Begin with the band just above your knees, lift each leg behind you, and pulse Complete 3 4 sets of 45 (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-18-12-2021-Find your happy place (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-19-03-2022-Ive been practicing more than ever on handstands Its a great workout for back and shoulders, but it also works your core and lower body (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-19-12-2022-One of the best things about yoga is how goofy and creative you can make a flow You have the freedom to move anyway in your body. There are no rules or regula (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-05-2022-Have you tried climbing before Doing tons of Yoga and Pilates focuses more on pushing but adding in body weight pull ups is the best form of cross trainin (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-06-2022-Find your creative outlet My personal favorite, painting Making art cultivates emotional maturity and promotes stress relief (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-07-2022-Some practice holding a tuck in a handstand and making shapes Start your handstand journey today, and in a few months see the incredible growth Dont k (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-08-2022-Ive been dealing with a wrist injury, and its been very challenging for me to take time off. My livelihood is my wrist. Handstands, yoga, climbing, painting.. (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-21-01-2022-Add some variation of rows to your workouts will work your back, traps, and biceps. Keeping a tight core regardless of which muscle group you are working w (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-21-02-2023-Like my dress Its what I would wear to dinner if I was with you (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-21-09-2021-Daily tip for a healthy lifestyle Try to sleep at least 7 hours each night A good sleep schedule keeps you in a better mood, sharpens your memory and (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-22-05-2022-Titibasana to crow to tripod One of my absolute favorite transitions so far Arm balances are great for your focus, strength, and mobility ) (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-22-06-2022-Dont forget to take a minute today to take a deep breath. Finding an awareness for your breath can help you live in the present moment, relieving any anx (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-03-2023-Some playtime today (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-08-2021- Plan out your workouts and switch things up if youre a bit bored or are consistent with the same old. If you have found your thing when it comes (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-08-2022-My new favorite position to watch tv in (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-11-2022-Hey yall Im so excited to get started baking My thanksgiving tradition is to bake my favorite apple tarts shaped like roses for my family and friends (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-24-04-2022-Happy Sunday funday My favorite Sunday ritual is to go to brunch and use this day as a rest day before a very busy week What is yours (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-24-08-2021-My first time playing with handstand push ups I dare you to challenge yourself and see if you can touch your head all the way to the ground Can you do (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-25-10-2022-Run Hike Explore I love to be outside at least 30 minutes daily. This is a good goal to set to get yourself moving and get that vitamin D (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-26-04-2022-Three things I live for are art, travel, and moving my body Whats something you cant live without Message me your answer Im cur (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-26-07-2022-Ive been getting into some contortion All of the yoga Ive been practicing seems to be contributing to lots of my flexibility Remember consistency is key eve (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-26-07-2022-Did I show you my handstand dive yet I was more scared than I should have been. Dont let fear of failure EVER be your excuse not to try something (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-27-05-2022-Dont forget a rest day Its super important to give your body time to heal when it needs My favorite hobby to do on an off day is paint. Rather than (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-29-03-2023-A fun challenge for the core Forearm plank to headstand (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-30-05-2022-More of a recent hobby Ive been working on is bouldering Its a great upper body workout and uses muscles you maybe havent thought of strengthenin (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-30-07-2021-Did you breathe today Let me rephrase, Have you focused on your breathe today Everyday we are going a million miles an hour, task by task we measure our s (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-30-08-2021-Grab those dumbbells 1.Come to a plank position keep a dome in the upper back, keep your butt out of the sky and try not to sink your hips too low. Engage t (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-31-03-2022-I hope you have a great Thursday (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-31-07-2021-A quick arm workout All you need is a resistance band Stretch your arms engaging into the band throughout the movement This will tone and strength your (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-31-08-2022-Handstands are my favorite because you have to engage EVERYTHING Whats your favorite pose youd like to see Lemme know in messages (
Flyfiles RAR:flowwithsky-31-10-2021-❤️A great way to strengthen those abdominals is a hollow hold For an extra challenge try to raise both arms straight toward the back of the room and lower you.jpg ( (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-01-04-2022-Add in strengthening with weights and it will strengthen you bones and joints, reducing the risk of injury, and build muscles Its also so much fun to (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-01-11-2022-Trick or treat How was your Halloween weekend (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-02-08-2022-A challenging variation of push ups, Pike push ups are a great addition to your upper body day The higher your hips the harder it is Try 4 sets of 8 12 (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-02-11-2021-Blending in some classical yoga poses into my Pilates flows is always super fun and challenging Balances are great challenges for engaging the full body an (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-01-2023-My first few paintings in months Its been very difficult not creating art for such a long time, and Im super grateful that my body is healing my wrist injur (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-05-2022-Karissa and I love to playing together Im planning on getting a set of aerial silks again Acrobatics has always been an art and sport Ill hold closely (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-06-2022-Morning handstand flow I cant even begin to tell you the amount of self doubt I had growing up believing Im not the flexible type, or strong, or athletic (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-06-2022-Super close to a full needle Stretching every day will show results Dont be intimidated to start taking little steps, planting the seeds, and one day youl (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-08-2021-A handstand is one of the best ways to engage your entire body in one pose Its also a great balance challenge Squeeze through the glutes, legs, abdom (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-09-2021-A great full body strengthening exercise is simply flowing and exploring in a headstand. Warm up your core first so that you know what to engage as you (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-03-12-2021-Maybe change your view.. flip life upsidedown to see life from another perspective.. Being open minded allows you to grow to a higher self and understand w (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-04-2022-Dont let anything stop you from accomplishing your goals. You can put in the work and get there Take little step everyday and see as your dreams become (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-07-2021-Ive been working on some inversions and handstands Sometimes the best way to start gaining more control is starting from a backbend or off anything suspended. (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-07-2021-Sometimes I enjoy coming up with my own stretches, no specific poses or instructions. Its so important to get creative with your fitness routine. Once you b (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-08-2022-Living Upsidedown, Addicted to playing For me handstands have been a love hate relationship. I love seeing the progress, but it was super frustrating when (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-09-2022-Headstands are the best for just beginning inversions Be sure its the crown of the head that touches the ground (not too far back or far forward) Engage your (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-10-2021-Give your spine some love with some cat cows close your eyes and move around in your body, not focusing on how you look but how you feel (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-11-2022-Sometimes I wish I were a contortionist Taking time off from handstands has given me more time to practice forearm stands I love all the fun shapes you can (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-04-12-2022-Im so tired of these cold rainy days Wheres the At least this turtle neck is getting its wear. Do you prefer rainy days (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-05-05-2022-Im back handstanding Recently, Ive had a low back injury so I had to take a break from certain activities that I love Remember to listen (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-05-07-2022-Pets are super supportive and loving This is Bruno I didnt think I needed one till I adopted one ) Do you have any furry friends (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-05-12-2021-Grab that yoga block and lets fire up those abs Complete 45 seconds of passing the block from your hands to your feet. Try to keep your lower back on (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-06-04-2022-Wednesday Morning pep talk Sometimes a goal can be overwhelming. You compare yourself now to where you want to be and feel like you are so far away. But by ta (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-06-04-2022-Lets get strong together Check out my new Pilates video every Friday on OFTV for a fun workout (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-07-07-2022-Stretching is a huge part of physical health It prevents injuries, can improve performance, and allows your joints to work in their full range of motion (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-07-09-2021-Barre inspired exercise I love adding variety into a flow because it always makes things more fun Try using a wall for balance, and micro pulse each (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-07-10-2021-I love finding new ways to challenge my core Take a weighted ball for an extra challenge (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-01-2022-Take those baby steps and dont get discouraged Know that in the long run you will reach your goals, and get rid of that on your timeline mentalit (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-03-2023-Splits with a king pigeon tail (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-08-2022-All about the handstands Its crazy to see how far you can get with a little practice everyday. This goes for anything you want to do (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-09-2022-Best thing to cheer myself up is to dance it off When I get frustrated I like to turn on my favorite song and let go of some of that negative (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-08-11-2022-Skandasana Lunges work many muscle groups including your core, hip adductors, hip abductors, glutes, quads, and hamstrings Stay low to enjoy a deep stretch in (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-03-2022-Grab that resistance band and lets get moving (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-04-2022-Forward folds are something I crave on the daily. Feel your hamstrings and low back stretch Try to connect your belly to your thighs.. modified version with the kn (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-11-2022-Try it Do you prefer leg day or arms (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-10-12-2021-Arm balances are so much fun to explore Try drawing your right leg to stack on top your right tricep. Your arms will be bent into a low push up, and strai (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-06-2022-Good morning all The pink was cute, and I may go back at some point for now we get some blonde action I hope you have a lovely Saturday (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-07-2021-I cannot emphasize the importance of stretching enough Stretching our backs can better prepare our muscles for a workout. It will improve your posture and pre (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-09-2021-A fun side body stretch Then try gate pose by placing your right hand on the outside of your right calf to counter stretch Maybe transition to a (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-11-09-2022-Im so happy with my summer trim Its the best for moving around and this heat Im thinking about going back to my natural color in the winter. Na (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-12-01-2022-A goal of mine this year is to add more calisthenics to my workouts. I am starting with the weighted pull up but will gradually go weightless with time (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-12-04-2022-Check in with yourself. How are you feeling today Did you wake up excited for what lies ahead There is so much potential and opportunity. Are you utilizi (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-13-10-2022-Draw some circles with your torso in a goddess squat to strengthen your abs. (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-04-2023-If we went out on a date this is what Id wear (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-06-2022-I cant tell you how long Ive wanted to get this One legged crow was always a challenge for me. Today Ive figured it out in my body (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-06-2022-See the world from a new perspective Pop a handstand in the middle of your day to elevate your feet above your head, to get a burst of energy, and to find bal (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-14-11-2021-Grab that weighted ball, and lets do some pass throughs This core workout will fire up your abs Complete 3 sets of 20 (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-15-05-2022-Flow with me Im posting weekly on OFTV Join me (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-15-08-2022-A new summer look (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-15-11-2022-What day is it Its leg day Get your deep squats on with a resistance band to make it even more challenging. You can always get (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-16-07-2022-Have a wonderful weekend (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-16-08-2021-Daily Dose of Squats I love to challenge myself with a resistance band above the knees or outside the arms if I want to engage my full body. By keeping that r (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-16-10-2022-Some acrobatics Aerial silks have been one of my favorite activities that have built my shoulder and grip strength without even realizing because it feels so much (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-18-07-2022-Wall walks are a killer exercise to add to your push routine Try going for 3 5 for beginners and 8 12 for advanced. Do 4 sets (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-18-08-2021-I love adding resistance bands to workouts Begin with the band just above your knees, lift each leg behind you, and pulse Complete 3 4 sets of 45 (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-18-12-2021-Find your happy place (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-19-03-2022-Ive been practicing more than ever on handstands Its a great workout for back and shoulders, but it also works your core and lower body (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-19-12-2022-One of the best things about yoga is how goofy and creative you can make a flow You have the freedom to move anyway in your body. There are no rules or regula (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-05-2022-Have you tried climbing before Doing tons of Yoga and Pilates focuses more on pushing but adding in body weight pull ups is the best form of cross trainin (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-06-2022-Find your creative outlet My personal favorite, painting Making art cultivates emotional maturity and promotes stress relief (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-07-2022-Some practice holding a tuck in a handstand and making shapes Start your handstand journey today, and in a few months see the incredible growth Dont k (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-20-08-2022-Ive been dealing with a wrist injury, and its been very challenging for me to take time off. My livelihood is my wrist. Handstands, yoga, climbing, painting.. (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-21-01-2022-Add some variation of rows to your workouts will work your back, traps, and biceps. Keeping a tight core regardless of which muscle group you are working w (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-21-02-2023-Like my dress Its what I would wear to dinner if I was with you (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-21-09-2021-Daily tip for a healthy lifestyle Try to sleep at least 7 hours each night A good sleep schedule keeps you in a better mood, sharpens your memory and (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-22-05-2022-Titibasana to crow to tripod One of my absolute favorite transitions so far Arm balances are great for your focus, strength, and mobility ) (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-22-06-2022-Dont forget to take a minute today to take a deep breath. Finding an awareness for your breath can help you live in the present moment, relieving any anx (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-03-2023-Some playtime today (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-08-2021- Plan out your workouts and switch things up if youre a bit bored or are consistent with the same old. If you have found your thing when it comes (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-08-2022-My new favorite position to watch tv in (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-23-11-2022-Hey yall Im so excited to get started baking My thanksgiving tradition is to bake my favorite apple tarts shaped like roses for my family and friends (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-24-04-2022-Happy Sunday funday My favorite Sunday ritual is to go to brunch and use this day as a rest day before a very busy week What is yours (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-24-08-2021-My first time playing with handstand push ups I dare you to challenge yourself and see if you can touch your head all the way to the ground Can you do (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-25-10-2022-Run Hike Explore I love to be outside at least 30 minutes daily. This is a good goal to set to get yourself moving and get that vitamin D (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-26-04-2022-Three things I live for are art, travel, and moving my body Whats something you cant live without Message me your answer Im cur (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-26-07-2022-Ive been getting into some contortion All of the yoga Ive been practicing seems to be contributing to lots of my flexibility Remember consistency is key eve (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-26-07-2022-Did I show you my handstand dive yet I was more scared than I should have been. Dont let fear of failure EVER be your excuse not to try something (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-27-05-2022-Dont forget a rest day Its super important to give your body time to heal when it needs My favorite hobby to do on an off day is paint. Rather than (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-29-03-2023-A fun challenge for the core Forearm plank to headstand (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-30-05-2022-More of a recent hobby Ive been working on is bouldering Its a great upper body workout and uses muscles you maybe havent thought of strengthenin (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-30-07-2021-Did you breathe today Let me rephrase, Have you focused on your breathe today Everyday we are going a million miles an hour, task by task we measure our s (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-30-08-2021-Grab those dumbbells 1.Come to a plank position keep a dome in the upper back, keep your butt out of the sky and try not to sink your hips too low. Engage t (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-31-03-2022-I hope you have a great Thursday (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-31-07-2021-A quick arm workout All you need is a resistance band Stretch your arms engaging into the band throughout the movement This will tone and strength your (
Flyfiles Video:flowwithsky-31-08-2022-Handstands are my favorite because you have to engage EVERYTHING Whats your favorite pose youd like to see Lemme know in messages (
Flyfiles RAR:flowwithsky-31-10-2021-❤️A great way to strengthen those abdominals is a hollow hold For an extra challenge try to raise both arms straight toward the back of the room and lower you.jpg (